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當前位置:網(wǎng)站首頁(yè)產(chǎn)品展示Whatman濾膜濾筒濾器 > > 6714-3602Polycap TC™囊式組織培養溶液過(guò)濾器
Polycap TC™囊式組織培養溶液過(guò)濾器

Polycap TC™囊式組織培養溶液過(guò)濾器

簡(jiǎn)要描述:Polycap TC/PES,帶濾罩或不帶濾罩兩種,是雙層聚醚砜膜(PES)膜的一次性囊式過(guò)濾器,有效過(guò)濾重要水溶液。 PES膜親水性、低提取物、生物安全性,有的流速和極低的蛋白吸附力Polycap TC/PES,帶濾罩或不帶濾罩兩種,是雙層聚醚砜膜(PES)膜的一次性囊式過(guò)濾器,有效過(guò)濾重要水溶液。 PES膜親水性、低提取物、生物安全性,有的流速和極低的蛋白吸附力

產(chǎn)品型號: 6714-3602





*polycap TC/PES 0.1,0.20.8μm/0.2μm囊式濾器通過(guò)了HIMA嚴格測試,是滅菌級濾器







 HAS 0.4μg/cm2




*水溶液                  *酵素                  *試劑制備

*生物學(xué)                  *高質(zhì)水              *鹽溶液

*                  *顆粒計數液      *組織培養基

*清潔/沖洗液體     *藥物激體          *細菌懸浮液

技術(shù)參數-polycap TC囊式組織培養也過(guò)濾器

外殼                                     polypropylene

通氣口                                 on inlet


支撐物                                 polypropylene

密封口                                 heat-fused

最大壓力                             60 psi(4.1bar)

流向                                     if there is a prefilter,it is located on the inlet side and flow should follow arrows

無(wú)焦化                                 LAL tested,non-reactive

生物安全                             materials pass USP class VI

消毒                                     certain filter devices have been sterilized.*they may be autoclaved once at a minimum of 121 for 20 minutes (132 max).however,an integrity test should be performed after autoclaving.­(*sterile and non-sterile option offered)

過(guò)濾面積                            36 mm capsule:440 cm2(72 in2)

                                            75 mm capsule:930 cm2(144 in2)

                                            150 mm capsule:1,900 cm2(302 in2)

水泡點(diǎn)                                0.1μm>3.2bar(46psi)



終濾層膜                            1.0μm>1.1bar(16psi)

訂貨信息- polycap TC囊式組織培養也過(guò)濾器

目錄號                       孔徑            接口                               無(wú)菌     數量/

                         (μm                   進(jìn)口          出口

polycap 36 TC   

6714-3602       PES        0.2/0.2          SB                SB                      1 

6717-3602       PES        0.2/0.2          1/2SB         1/2SB                1

2622NS           PES        0.2/0.2          1/2HB         SB                      5

6714-3604       PES        0.65/0.45      SB                SB                      1

polycap 36 TC with bell

6715-3601       PES        0.2/0.1          SB                SB                      1

6715-3602       PES        0.2/0.2          SB                SB                      1

6716-3612       PES        0.2/0.2          1/4MNPT   SB                      1

6715-3682       PES        0.8/0.2          SB                SB                      1

6716-3602       PES        0.2/0.2          MNPT          SB                      1

6715-3604       PES        0.65/0.45      SB                SB                      1

polycap 75 TC

6714-7501      PES          0.2/0.1         SB                SB                      1

6714-7502      PES          0.2/0.2         SB                SB                      1

2742C             PES          0.2/0.2         1/2SB         1/2SB                5

2742M            PES          0.2/0.2         1/4MNPT   1/4MNPT         5

6717-7504      PES          0.65/0.45     1/2SB         1/2SB                1

6714-7504      PES          0.65/0.45      SB               SB                      1

6717-7510      PES          1.0/1.0         1/2SB         1/2SB                1

polycap 75 TC with bell

6715-7501      PES          0.2/0.1         SB                SB                       1

6715-7502      PES          0.2/0.2         SB                SB                       1

6715-7582      PES          0.8/0.2         SB                SB                       1

6718-7504      PES          0.65/0.45     1/2SB         SB                       1

polycap 150 TC

6717-9501      PES          0.2/0.1         1/2SB         1/2SB                       1 

6717-9502      PES          0.2/0.2         1/2SB         1/2SB                       1

6704-9502      PES          0.2/0.2         1 1/2Sanitary  1 1/2Sanitary         5  

6717-9504      PES          0.65/0.45     1/2SB          1/2SB                      1

6717-9510      PES          1.0/1.0         1/2SB          1/2SB                      1

Polycap 150 TC with bell

6718-9502      PES          0.2/0.2        1/2SB           SB                             1

6718-9582      PES          0.8/0.2        1/2SB           SB                             1








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  • 您的單位:

  • 您的姓名:

  • 聯(lián)系電話(huà):

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  • 補充說(shuō)明:

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